Sunday, August 31, 2008
Eric & Heathers Party
It was Eric & Heather's last days in their apartment together so they decided to have a party. She's moving to Appleton and Eric is moving to an apartment downtown. We got there at about 7 o'clock after picking up Aaron and getting some groceries. I made taco dip and heather made BBQ Meatballs. We played Apples to Apples, President, Ride the Bus, and other card games. Lily had fun playing hide and seek with Vanessa (see photo below) We had a lot of fun!

MORE PHOTOS: Here at my dotphoto

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Weekend in Stratford
We spent this weekend in Stratford. We went to Marshfield to go to Alltel and Wal*Mart. Adam got a new blackberry at Alltel which he can't stop playing with. After shopping we went to bar down the road from Adam's parents house to have some lunch and beer. Adam and Lily to a little walk to look at the water there which was cute. That night, Lily & I made People Puppy chow which was delicious. The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with the family and playing with Cooper (who has doubled in size since our last visit) Lily loves playing with Cooper.

MORE PHOTOS: At my dotphoto HERE

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Dad's Computers Picnic
Today was the Dad's Computers Picnic. It started at Noon and was held in the backyard at DCHQ. We had hamburgers and hot dogs and many snacks. Many things were discussed and it was a very productive meeting.

Saturday, August 09, 2008
Festivus Trivia contest
This weekend was the Festivus Trivia Contest. This is a 27 hour contest with the same format of real trivia. It was really a lot of fun because it's just like trivia but a little less stressful. During the contest we tried gummy bacon (which was a festivus picture last year) and it's pretty gross. It is slimy and gummy and tastes like strawberries. We did really well in the contest and ended taking first place having 2610 more points than the second place team.

Afterwards they do the award ceremony at Joe's bar so we went there for a while. We won a trophy which is like a turkey wearing aviator glasses and tennis shoes. It's pretty silly so we love it. After the bar Katie, Heidi, Adam and I went to Marvin's for some food. It really hit the spot but once we ate we realized how exhausted we were so we all quickly went to sleep.

VIDEOS: Boomer Juggles & Heidi & Katie dance to "Groove is in the heart"
MORE PHOTOS: HERE at my dotphoto

VIDEOS: Boomer Juggles & Heidi & Katie dance to "Groove is in the heart"
MORE PHOTOS: HERE at my dotphoto
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Family fun at the Lodge
Since all my siblings and their families were going to be in town we decided to finally use our gift cards for the Lodge at Cedar Creek. First we stopped at Becky's house to have sandwiches for lunch. Then we tried to check in early but the only room available was Mom & Dads so we just put all our stuff in there. Then, we all changed and headed to the waterpark. It's so nice there because they have a big part that is just for the little kids so it's shallow and has toys like a teeter-totter, a boat, small waterslides, and a big sprayer. They also have a few big waterslides, a basketball pool, and a lazy river. There is also an area where there is water flying around everywhere and a big bucket drops every so many minutes and if you are standing under it it almost knocks you over. Every time Lily would hear the alarm for it she'd stop what she was doing and run in view of the bucket and then sit down just far enough away where she wouldn't get wet. For dinner we ordered a bunch of $5 pizzas from Dominoes which really hit the spot. Then it was back to the waterpark until they closed. The next morning we got up really early to take some family photos (which I hope to get soon then I'll post them here) Then we went to their breakfast buffet which was good but we had terrible service. Then, we swam for about another hour and then came back home. Once everyone got back to Mom & Dad's we had a nice family cookout. It was a good time and it was so nice to have everyone together.

MORE PHOTOS: Here at dotphoto

VIDEO: Kids on the bouncy swings
VIDEO: Lily Spraying Grandpa
VIDEO: Lily & Johnny on the Teeter-totter
VIDEO: Being soaked by the big bucket: Grandpa & Nick, & Matt & Danielle
VIDEO: Lily Spraying Grandpa
VIDEO: Lily & Johnny on the Teeter-totter
VIDEO: Being soaked by the big bucket: Grandpa & Nick, & Matt & Danielle
Friday, August 01, 2008
Pool Party at Playgroup
Today was the summer pool party at the playgroup I go to. Since Cindy and Becky were in town they brought Zach & Braeden. They had little pools, a sandbox, hopscotch, chalk, and more. It was nice outside and the kids had a blast.