Sunday, May 17, 2009
Eau Claire Trip: Sunday Park Fun
The next morning we got ready and the kids played for a while in Katie's backyard. Then we went Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls. They had 2 playgrounds and a bunch of animals so the kids were very happy.

After we were there for a while we got hungry so we went to Casa Mexicana, a super yummy mexican restaurant. After that we had to begin our trek home. We didn't get lost this time and even had time to stop and talk to the "World's Largest Talking Cow" in Neilsville. We then stopped at Adam's parents house for a while before driving home, It was a really fun weekend!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Eau Claire Trip: Savannah's Birthday Party
This weekend we went to Eau Claire for Savannah's birthday party. We got a little lost on the way there and found ourselves in Rapids! Besides that the trip there was okay. We got to the party and Lily went to play with all the kids while we got something to eat. Katie made many super yummy ham sandwiches which we ate all night long. The kids played pin the tail on the donkey, made bookmarks, and played outside with bubbles among other things. After the party, Katie, Jeremy, Heidi, Adam and I all hung out in the basement playing games (MarioKart, Rockband, Trivial Pursuit and Catch Phrase) while Lily and Savannah played and watched a movie.

More Photos: At Dotphoto

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Preschool Picnic
Today was the last day of preschool and do celebrate that they had a Preschool Picnic at Bukolt Park. Lily had lots of fun playing with all her school friends. Everyone had to bring a dish to pass and the meatballs I brought were gobbled up very quickly! We stayed there until the girls started getting tired and a little cranky.

More Photos: At dotphoto

Saturday, May 02, 2009
Today we went to Beatlesfest at Jim's house. There was oodles of delicious food there. It's always fun to go to Beatlesfest to hang out with our trivia friends, listen to great music, and of course talk some trivia.
More Photos: Here

Lily Soccer Game

Today Lily had a soccer game against the orange team. She did really well running around the whole time! She was really good at goalie too! She really loves soccer and I'm very happy that she is playing with all her preschool friends.

More Photos: Here at Dotphoto