Saturday, January 01, 2011
New Years Eve!
Tonight we went to the YMCA for their annual New Years Eve bash. It's fun for the kids and they even do a midnight-like countdown at 9pm. Lily had alot of fun going down the big blowup slide over and over again. Then we took a nice ice cream break before the big countdown happened. They passed out hats, crowns, Hawaiian leis, horns and noisemakers. Kids never wait til midnight so it's a solid 20 minutes or so of horn blowers and noisemakers. Adam took Ava out of the room during that while I watched Lily who crammed as much slide-action as she could before they closed it down.
After that was over we were all starving so we went to McDonalds for dinner. When we got home we finally set up the Wii that we got for Christmas. Adam, Lily and I took turns playing the New Super Mario Bros Wii game which is so much fun and as addicting as I remember the old ones being. I really like that this one is side-scrolling like the old Mario games used to be. We were all tired but we made it until Midnight to watch the ball drop. Lily seemed to think it wasn't very excited as she made me rewind it over and over because she 'didn't see it'
After that was over we were all starving so we went to McDonalds for dinner. When we got home we finally set up the Wii that we got for Christmas. Adam, Lily and I took turns playing the New Super Mario Bros Wii game which is so much fun and as addicting as I remember the old ones being. I really like that this one is side-scrolling like the old Mario games used to be. We were all tired but we made it until Midnight to watch the ball drop. Lily seemed to think it wasn't very excited as she made me rewind it over and over because she 'didn't see it'
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Eau Claire Trip: Sunday Park Fun
The next morning we got ready and the kids played for a while in Katie's backyard. Then we went Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls. They had 2 playgrounds and a bunch of animals so the kids were very happy.

After we were there for a while we got hungry so we went to Casa Mexicana, a super yummy mexican restaurant. After that we had to begin our trek home. We didn't get lost this time and even had time to stop and talk to the "World's Largest Talking Cow" in Neilsville. We then stopped at Adam's parents house for a while before driving home, It was a really fun weekend!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Eau Claire Trip: Savannah's Birthday Party
This weekend we went to Eau Claire for Savannah's birthday party. We got a little lost on the way there and found ourselves in Rapids! Besides that the trip there was okay. We got to the party and Lily went to play with all the kids while we got something to eat. Katie made many super yummy ham sandwiches which we ate all night long. The kids played pin the tail on the donkey, made bookmarks, and played outside with bubbles among other things. After the party, Katie, Jeremy, Heidi, Adam and I all hung out in the basement playing games (MarioKart, Rockband, Trivial Pursuit and Catch Phrase) while Lily and Savannah played and watched a movie.

More Photos: At Dotphoto
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Preschool Picnic
Today was the last day of preschool and do celebrate that they had a Preschool Picnic at Bukolt Park. Lily had lots of fun playing with all her school friends. Everyone had to bring a dish to pass and the meatballs I brought were gobbled up very quickly! We stayed there until the girls started getting tired and a little cranky.

More Photos: At dotphoto
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Today we went to Beatlesfest at Jim's house. There was oodles of delicious food there. It's always fun to go to Beatlesfest to hang out with our trivia friends, listen to great music, and of course talk some trivia.
More Photos: Here
Lily Soccer Game
Today Lily had a soccer game against the orange team. She did really well running around the whole time! She was really good at goalie too! She really loves soccer and I'm very happy that she is playing with all her preschool friends.
More Photos: Here at Dotphoto
Monday, April 20, 2009
Trivia Awards Ceremony 2009
After getting "the call" we all headed to Joe's as usual. Tension was a little high because we had a rough last few hours so the Hamus bros were not in a good mood. Then, we headed to 90FM to see what place we came in. They announced Franklin Street Burnouts in 10th, Late Night with Bob Keeshan in 9ths, Horton Hears a Beerpig in 8th, The Basementalist in 7th, Ugly Undulated Uvulas in 6th, Graduates of a Lesser God in 5th, & Tin Man in 4th! That left us, Network and Festivus. We thought for sure that Festivus had done better than us because they got a lot of big pointers in the last few hours. Then they read Festivus for the Rest of Us in 3rd! Oz then pointed out the that difference between 3rd and 2nd was only 5 points! Then, Eck read off the 2nd place team as "Dad's Computers: Trivia is the Word" We were SOOOOOO Happy! I did the beginning of the speech even though I was in shock. Then, Eric spoke a little saying something like "5 years ago if you would have told me we'd be in here and the only team left in the hall would be Network, I would have told you that you were full of crap" lol. Then, Oz told me not to let Eric touch the trophy (because he had broken our trophy during the awards ceremony last year!)

More photos: Here
Video: (coming soon)
Video: (coming soon)
Trivia 40: Here's Looking At You Kid
This year Trivia was a rollercoaster! We had lots of fun and of course a little drama. There were big ones we got from notes and guesses and there were ones that we missed that we shouldn't have. The food was delicious as usual and we thank everyone upstairs who helped feed us!

More Photos: At Dotphoto Here
Videos: On our website Here
Videos: On our website Here
Friday, April 17, 2009
Trivia Parade 2009
Today was the Trivia Parade. It was a beautiful day unlike last year. So, nice out that I had to have Lori run to Kmart from lot Q to get me some sunscreen! Our float was family guy themed because our theme was "Dad's Computers: Trivia is the Word" There was an episode where Peter gets obsessed with "The Bird is the word" after getting the record of it from a diner. So our float was a big diner with a bunch of family guy characters.

More Photos: Here at dotphoto