
Monday, August 29, 2005

Trivia Fever, Wedding fun and cranky Lily 

Now that we've had the Trivia Cookout I feel like I'm totally in the trivia spirit. I'm itchng for Aaron's trivia warm-up to start and getting ready for all my new shows to begin.
Wedding plans are going okay...still have a bunch to do like making hair appointments and such but things are falling into place nicely. I can't believe it's less than a month to go.
Every day I run out to the mailbox to see what replys have come. The count is at 41 Yes and 15 No so that's good so far. Only about 140 more people to reply still - woohoo!
Lily was psycho last night. Adam and I were wondering mayber her teeth are going to break thru or something. She was doing this new screaming thing which hurts our ears. She was also exhaused by 9pm and didn't go to sleep til at least midnight. She wouldn't lay on her back at all so she actually fell asleep sitting up and leaning over on my leg. After a while I finally got her to lay down because seeing her in that position was just cuckoo.
Oh, we moved our computers in the nice cool living room for a while so I should actually be updating my blog daily now.

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