
Friday, October 07, 2005

Lily webpage insanity 

So, I my dad sent me this link of this guy who made an adorable webpage for his new baby. This, of course prompted me to make Lily her own homepage.
I go to geocities.com where all my other webpages are based out of. I register her and when it comes to the birthday part I put in her bday 1/14/05 but when I submit it comes back as an error because you have to be at least 2 years old. So, then to damn the man I change her bday to 1/14/03. Then, to actually get her activated I have to put in my info including credit card info to verify it's okay for her to have yahoo. Next, I get the verification email and She's good to go. I then go back to geocities and they it says "you must be at least 18 to use this feature" DAMNIT an hour wasted.
So, now she has a new webpage. Oh, and in their minds she was now born 1/14/1978. muhahaha - Damn the man!!! (watched Empire records today if you are curious)
*UPDATE* - I ended up moving the page because the ads bug me... http://dads-computers.com/lilyjohnson/lily.htm

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