
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Weekend, so far 

Well, it's like 1am on Easter Sunday and I just woke up because it's really hot in the room I'm sleeping in at Adam's parents house.
Saturday was fun filled with family stuff. We took Lily to 2 egg hunts in town...one at piffner park and one at New Beginnings Church. She ended up getting 15 eggs total with candy but no prizes. Then, we went to my parents house to color eggs...but Lily just ate 2 of the hard boiled eggs instead...silly Lily.
After lunch at Bill's Pizza and a quick packing job we were off to Stratford to the in-laws. We took their pontoon boat out for it's first spin which was pretty fun. Lily looks so cute in a life jacket! Then, hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and we played Trivial Pursuit. Michelle & I against Adam and his mom. Michelle and I were winning by two pie pieces before we ended up quitting because Adam's mom was hunting around for her check book and Lily was way overtired. We gave Lily a bath and then went to sleep at like 10pm. And now here I am awake and overheated.

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