
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cleaning is good...rain is nice 

Well, I really have no topic to type about right now..but I figured since Lily is currently napping I might as well write something. I just watched "Grandma's boy" well, I actually have tried to watch it 3 times but it's really not worth it. I just did it for the notes. I got lots of cleaning done today and finally got to fold and put away a few baskets of clothes that I washed. That felt good, even thought there is always laundry to be done it seems.
It really poured today..hullo. Lily was so cute she climbed up on the couch so she could look out the window at the rain.
Sounds like plans are in the works to go to the Frankliners house tonight to play some SceneIt. I guess they want to play the TCM version which I got really cheap along with the HBO version for $5 each. They are both in my parents garage with the rest of my board games since trivia so we'll have to take a side trip there.
Well, I guess I should pack the ol' diaper bag while I have the time. Tata

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