
Friday, June 16, 2006

Cuts, Wharfs and movies 

Took Lily to get her bangs cut again today...her hair grows really fast...but then again I don't really get it cut too short, just the right length so she can see and still looks cute. Mom & Dad got haircuts too so I spent most of that time chasing Lily around in the mall. She particularly liked going to the pet store to check out the puppies, kitties, turtles and fish. We also went to JcPenny's and got her some adorable tennis shoes that light up and a few summery outfits. Lily was exhausted after that so we came home and took a 2 1/2 hour nap which was super nice.
We had Italian Fries from the Wharf tonight which has lately been a little tradition for us to eat the night before payday. They were really good tonight and we gobbled them up quickly. Didn't do too much the rest of the night...Adam played on his computer while I tried to clean and Lily tried to help which of course just made things messier.
We just hit 1000 on our collection of movie notes which is awesome. I've currently been on a crazy movie kick trying to find good movies on both movie channels and on demand. I took notes on 13 movies in the last 10 days!

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