
Friday, June 09, 2006

Grams, Lily's Mooing and Weekend Plans 

Well, Grams is in the hospital again so I've been thinking alot about her today. She went in because she was having chest pains and the nursing home thought she might be having a heart attack. She ended up having some sort of liquid by her lungs but they keep running more and more tests. They were also talking about doing a blood transfusion tonight. I'm hoping she'll be okay and they figure out what's really wrong with her for a change.
On a lighter note, Lily is getting smarter every day. Today I held up a flash card of a cow and said "What does a cow say" and she responded with "Moooo" It's amazing how all these little things just make your heart melt. She is addicted to books these days and her favorites are Goodnight Moon & Fox in Socks. I have Goodnight Moon memorized now and parts of Fox in Socks too...but that one is crazy and tongue twisting so you just gotta look at the words!
Plans for the weekend: We are going to Stratford for Heritage Days. Not sure what our friends are really doing but it sounds like most of them will be going Saturday night for sure so I don't know if we are just going to hang out at Adam's parents house Friday night or go down to the little bar that is a couple blocks away from their house if nobody is going to the Strat til Saturday.

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