
Monday, June 19, 2006

Wal*Mart & Adam's Sports Addiction 

Went to Rapids with my parents today. Mom had to do some stuff at the Social Security office so Lily and I wasted time playing in the toy department at Wal*Mart. We ended up getting a couple of playballs and a pretty bead play necklace and a bouncy stitch ball. I wish our Wal*Mart was anything like Rapids or Wausau...compared to theirs our 'super' Wal*Mart sucks. Like our Wal*Mart only has like 2 pairs of shoes in Lily's size and Rapids Wal*Mart today had about 30 to choose from. We got her a pair of sandals and some water shoes which should come in handy for vacation which is coming fast.
Adam's gone sport-crazy these days. He usually only watches baseball and football, Red Sox and Steelers respectively. Now, he's been also watching Soccer, Basketball and Hockey. He seems to be only really watching Basketball and Hockey because they are in the finals and Soccer is his new addiction mostly because he finds it facinating how hard it is to get a goal.

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