
Saturday, July 15, 2006

10 Year Reunion 

Yesterday I received an invitation via email for our 10 year high school reunion. It was sent from one of the girls in my class who has a new last name and she didn't have a subject line so I almost didn't even look at it. She also asked for donations to put an ad in the paper for it...how much can that possibly cost? Anyways, it's at Club 10 bar on September 9th. I can't decide if I want to go. When I couldn't go to the 5 year I said I would go to the 10 year, but who do I even care to see? And out of those people how many would show up. For the 5 year like 60 people out of 600some went but I blame that on it being the week before xmas and really short notice.
Should I go or not...Opinions?

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