
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Festivus & Birthday 

Well, we played in Festivus Contest called "Get Trivia" There was surprisingly only 6 teams playing in the contest. The contest was run basically the same as our real contest except for 1/2 the time (27 hrs instead of 54) and the point value formula was obviously different because there was only 6 teams instead of over 400. Their contest was broadcasted over the internet (but they had problems the original way they were webcasting so Adam had one of his online buddies set up a room on ventrilo so it wouldn't breakup & rebuffer all the time) We ended up winning by like 1225 points so that was pretty sweet. Our team consisted of me, Adam, Lily, Aaron, Shaun, Eric, Mark, Alex, and also Vanessa and Ian played on and off.

My birthday was pretty unevenful but fun anyways. Mom & Dad, Ron & Billie and Adam, Lily and I all went out for brunch at Country Springs. Ian was there so I got to wish him a happy birthday too! After that we came home Lily and I took a little nap. Then after a while the three of us we went to dinner at Applebees. Lily had fun flirting with the little boy at the next table. I skipped the free dessert because I really didn't want to be sung to by strangers. Then, we went to the park by my parents house and played on the playground. After that we met Mom & Dad, Ron & Billie, and Uncle Bob & Aunt Lynn at the nursing home to visit Grams. After a few hours there it was back to my parents house for super yummy ice cream cake and chit chat.

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