
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Heat melts your brain 

So, it's like over 90 degrees outside and people are acting weird. Cliff, my parents neighbor, was blacktopping his driveway today. Kinda a strange day to do that.
On my way to Target this total jerk would not let me in the right lane. I had my blinker on and it was obvious what I wanted to do but every time I sped up to pass him he would speed up too and when I'd slow down so would he. I had to go all the way to the next gas station to turn around. People suck.
Lily had an Icee on the way home to cool down from our shopping and she ended up dumping it all over herself. I immediately shouted her clothes when we got home and she had a bunch of blue spots on her shirt and a very blue butt. Silly Lily!

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