
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lots of sleep and a clean house 

Well, this afternoon Lily and I went to our real house and did some cleaning. Then, went to walmart to get paper towels and garbage bags because it's kinda hard to clean without those. We met Mom & Dad there too. Becky called them a little while after she left work and told us that we were under a thunderstorm warning and where she was it was terrible outside. So, we quickly made it to the front of the store and all checked out. Then we all went to my parents house to wait for the storm. Adam met us there too and it ended up not doing much but raining. We had chili dogs for dinner then I tried to get the Lily monster to sleep at 5:30 because she hadn't had a nap yet. I ended up falling asleep too. Adam was downstairs playing soccer on his PS2 and he thought I was just watching "Kyle XY" with my parents (Keep in mind that is only and hour long and not on until 7) So, when we both woke up at 8:30, Adam had no idea what time it was. Silly boy. Then, of course Lily wasn't ready to go to sleep at her normal 10 o'clock so we ended up playing and watching KyleXY (which my Dad Tivos luckily) and she finally went to bed at like midnight.

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