
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Minocqua Vacation Day 5: Wednesday 

Woke up today and we were out of milk so we all went on a family outing to Trig's to get some...well that and stuff to make our dinner tonight: Kabobs and Ice Cream Sundaes. I feel like crap today: sore throat, runny nose and just all around can't breathe. So, I also picked up a nice box of Kleenex and some nasal spray. woohoo. Adam, Lily and little Frankie dug up a big canal and connected it with one we made days ago. Lily of course got all muddy...I'm going to have lots of laundry to do when we get home! We stayed inside alot today again because it was cold and windy for most of the day, except when the sun peeked out. The next two days are supposed to be 81 and sunny so hopefully that is true. After dinner we played poker for $2 buy in. I did pretty well, but Adam ended up winning which is good because we made like 8 whole dollars! Lily went to sleep tonight at 7. I have had "Live and let die" in my head for days and today was the worst. I even got it in Adam's head because I kept humming it.

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