
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The power of advertising 

We are housesitting/puppysitting at my parents house this week while they are in Ohio. My dad has a few shows that automatically record. Monday night "Kyle XY" was one of them. It was the third episode in the series and I was hooked right away. Luckily Dad kept the first two on his replay so I got to watch those too. Well, Kyle XY is sponsored by Sour Patch Kids. It must be a huge backer of the show because they show bags of it in all the episodes and talk about it "my sour patch kids are sacred" one boy says. Also, every commercial break has one of the new commercials (which are hilarious...my favorite is one where a girl in pigtails wakes up and one has been cut off then the camera pans to a sour patch kid holding the hair and scissors. Then it says "First they're sour" and he drops the scissors and hair and hugs the girls leg and it says "Then they're sweet") Anyways, the power of advertising made me run to Wal*Mart to satisfy the Sour Patch Kid craving that I was having. Boy they are delicious!

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