
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Reunion in MN part 2 - the sick files 

Woke up today for breakfast at 9:30. It was pretty cool they had eggs, waffles, cereal, bages, juices, etc. Then, we got ready and went to Adam's grandma's house to visit. After only about 10 minutes (where Adam's Dad and uncle Rick were getting locations on stores) we were back in the car. I was starting to feel icky as if I was getting car sick...but I don't get car sick. We stopped at the 2 computer stores Adam's dad wanted to go to but one wasn't what he thought and the other was closed. We ended up going to circuit city and I immediately went to the restroom and threw up. I felt better and we only had one more stop to make, some sort of winemaking store. While we were there I felt icky again so I sat outside by the street. I ended up walking around the corner of the store and got sick again. So, then we decided that we wanted to go back to the hotel. Adam let me go ahead while he got Lily and our stuff out of the car...good thing because I barely made it to our room before getting sick again. Not a fun day. We all took a nap and the reunion dinner was at 5ish so we went down there. I had to leave in the middle to go to our room but then I came back long enough to eat some food and pose for the family photo. Now, I'm in the room with Lily while Adam finds out what the rest of the crew are doing tonight since I'm in no condition for any fun.
This totally sucks because I was really looking forward to this trip and swimming with Lily for most of today which obviously didn't happen.
UPDATE: Didn't ever make it to the pool tonight but Adam, Lily and I hung out in our room watching tv. Lily is really good at entertaining me and making me feel better

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