
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Volunteering is fun 

Today was my first night of Volunteering at the Family Resource Center. I made some copies, did some filing, and then I got to go through a bunch of childrens books and decided which ones to keep and which to get rid of. Basically, I had to decide if I thought kids around 1-3 years old would like the books. This is going to be a weekly thing for me...Thursdays from 6-8pm. I also dropped off my application for anothering volunteering gig as someone who reads local newspapers on tape that they will give to people who are blind.
Lily is still crazy...still screaming alot, still won't use a nuk. I'm going to call the doctor again tomorrow to make sure that something isn't wrong. I still think it's some sort of teething situation but I can't assume that that is the only reason that she is acting out so much.

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