
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sickly Family 

On Monday, my parents, Lily and I all went up to see Becky & family because they needed help figuring stuff out on their new computer. I helped them for a while and my Dad was reading Lily a story on the couch when all of a sudden she threw up! This surprised us because she's only thrown up once before in her lifetime and also because she seemed fine earlier in the day. So, we borrowed some clothes for her and then she seemed okay again. This was not the case though because she was sick all night long. Thursday she was running around again and we were hanging out doing trivia stuff in the basement. I was starting to feel nauseous so I went and layed down in the bed upstairs and we decided to spend the night. At 2am I was started throwing up and at 3am lily threw up on me in the bed so we had to throw her in the bathtub. It was all pretty gross. Friday I just layed around my parents house sipping Sierra Mist and eating crackers. We had already planned to paint the DCHQ annual wall and everyone had off of work that wanted to participate so we did that anyways. I just kinda sat in the recliner down there and watched and of course took some picts. Once if finally started feeling better, Adam caught the bug and stayed home Sunday and Monday himself. We are happy to be healthy again!

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