
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Walking for Wiza 

Today at 9am Aaron, Vanessa, Lily and I went on a walk campaigning for Wiza for Mayor. We were given a HUGE area of houses to go to and walked from 9am-2pm! Lily started in the stroller for a while, then walked for a while, was carried by Aaron for a while and then went back in the stroller. We were basically just putting informational sheet of paper in peoples screen doors. We only ended up actually talking to a few people. It was fun until we started getting tired which was about the same time as when it got really cold and started to rain. Of course when we decided we were done we were WAY FAR AWAY from where we had parked the car. I had to cover Lily's stroller up with a blanket so she wouldn't get too cold and wet. She ended up falling asleep riding to the car.
Adam was at a dart tournament with Janet while we were doing the walk but he was done with that around 11... of course he didn't want to join on our insanity so he stayed at my parents house playing computer games on his computer
After the walk we stopped at Hardees to grab some food and then Aaron & Vanessa went home to nap. I had big plans for napping but only probably slept for about 5 minutes because once I finally fell asleep Lily woke up. Then, we got ready to play the Trivia Turmoil contest...

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