
Monday, July 23, 2007

My Birthday 

For my birthday we went out to dinner at Charcoal Grill. It was superfantastic as usual even thought they sang their crazy birthday song to me (which included a line that said "someone here is getting old") Then we gobbled up some Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake. I met a bunch of my friends at Partners where I got to drink all night for free because it was my birthday. I've actually never been there on my birthday before so that was cool. I got pretty drunk between the vodka/lemonades & the 3 shots I did (see parking lot photos below) Adam, Lily and I were staying at my parents house that night because they were going out of town in the morning and we were going to dog sit...so I got a phone call from my Mom at 2am wondering where I was. Silly Adam had said that I'd probably only be out until midnight or so. After I got home I managed to eat 1/2 a loaf of bread (except not the crusts because the next morning there were crusts everywhere) Tuesday I was pretty hungover which hasn't happened in a VERY long time. I just basically sat around all day until we went to Remi's birthday party.

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