
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tara & Craig's wedding 

Tara and Craig got married at Celebration Church. They showed a nice slideshow before the ceremony which was different but a nice lead in to the wedding since the last photo in the slideshow was their engagement announcement from the newspaper. The wedding was pretty and Lily was really good which is always nice. She played with some M&Ms I brought and the bottle of bubbles they gave her. After the wedding we went to grab some lunch at McDonalds because we hadn't eaten at all yet. We met our friends (Aaron & Vanessa, George & Tiffany, and Eric) at the reception a little before dinner. Dinner was nice except we couldn't hear any of the speeches and toasts because we had a table of rude people behind us who were just loud and rowdy.
After dinner there was a bunch of time and a lot of kids passed the time by running around and playing tag on the dancefloor. Lily loved that of course and was running like a crazy fool and rolling around like a log. She danced on the dancefloor once the music began and was out there for all the songs until someone stepped on her foot during a crazy polka. She came to me for comfort and then fell asleep because she hadn't had a nap at all. I called my parents because it was only 9 and we wanted to stay a little longer than that. So, Vanessa and I dropped off Lily and ran to walmart because Vanessa needed more comfy shoes. The rest of the reception was fun except they played a lot of uncensored rap. There are a couple of words I didn't think I'd ever hear at a wedding reception and they played them all! I spent alot of time trying to get a nice photo of Adam, George and Aaron but they kept making crazy faces and weird gestures just to drive me crazy. Overall we had a great time. Adam and I went to pick up Lily at my parents and found that she had quite the temper tantrum when she woke up but once she stopped crying she was fine. She told me that she 'was crying for mama' and 'was naughty and kicked Grandpa'
VIDEO: Crazy Kid Chaos HERE
VIDEO: Lily Rolling Around HERE
VIDEO: Lily Dancing to Rock Around the Clock and Stayin' Alive
VIDEO: Adam & George being silly HERE
VIDEO: Eric Dancing to Billie Jean and Thriller

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