
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Danny's Birthday & Fireworks Extravaganza 

Today was Danny's birthday! We had a yummy ice cream cake from Dairy Queen that was all decorated in Star Wars stuff. It was cool. After cake Steve and the boys put on a little fireworks show for the rest of the family. It was really cool, even though the flying fireworks almost landed on a few of us. There were some fireworks that even had parachutes fall from them which was neat. Lily didn't like the loud fireworks to she spent most of the time in the doorway watching with her hands over her ears. After the big fireworks all the kids played with those snap-it's things that you throw on the ground and they pop. Everyone had a great time with those!
MORE PHOTOS: On Dotphoto
Firework Videos: Flying Spinner 1, Flying Spinner 2
Firework Videos: Instant Migrane 1, Instant Migrane 2
Firework Videos: Spinner, Shooting Fountain
Firework Videos: Fountain, Popping Fountain

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