
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Dozynki harvest fest 

Today I did some volunteering at the Dozynki harvest fest. I helped out with the pumpkin pie eating contest. Basically I helped set up, tried to recruit people to enter the contest and then helped clean up. It was pretty funny watching them eat the pies. Next year I might enter...I do love pumpkin pie!
After that my parents picked up Lily from my house and brought her downtown to meet me. They had lots of things to do there including making a family tree at the FRC booth, a petting zoo, and a little train that rode around downtown. It was good time.
More photos: At Dotphoto

Looks like you guys had a fun time. I think I would become ill scarfing down a pie. hehehe That train is so cute. My kids would love it. :)
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