Saturday, March 28, 2009
Trivia Turmoil 2009
Today was the Trivia Turmoil contest. It's pretty close to real trivia and alot of fun. A few of us from Dad's played along with Madison and Paulie. It was a good time and we ended up in 2nd place

VIDEO: Patty does singing question "Give me Back that Fillet of Fish"

VIDEO: Patty does singing question "Give me Back that Fillet of Fish"
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Dress Shopping in Appleton
Today, Vanessa and most of her bridesmaids all went to David's Bridal in Appleton to pick out dresses. They had to be black, long length, and in satin or taffeta...otherwise we could get whatever style we wanted. I had been stressing about picking up the dress for weeks but it ended up being pretty easy. The saleslady picked out 2 she thought I'd like and also a jacket to match. I loved the first one I tried on so I was very. All the other bridesmaids also found dresses pretty quickly too. Then, we had to go back to Point because one of them had dart league so we didn't get to chillax in Appleton like I thought we would. We were all hungry so we called up the boys and met them at Perkins for some dinner. Remy & Lily were so cute playing at the table & also sharing Vanessa & Tiffany's sundae.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Medford Trivia Contest 2009
Today was the Medford Trivia contest. This was our 7th year of playing the contest and the 20th year of their contest. This contest was a lot of fun and MUCH better than their last contest which had so many local questions it was impossible for us to do well. We ended up taking 3rd place this year by 2 points (The first and second place teams were tied until they held a tie breakers) We had fun and got to spend the day in the basement doing some trivia organization and a little notes searching workshop.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Lily Was Star Student of the Day Today
For being star student she had a little take home project where they give you this blank piece of paper with the categories of "My Favorite Foods", "My Favorite Color", "Me", My Pet/My Favorite Animals", "My Family", "My Favorite Movies/TV Shows", "My Favorite things" So, you are supposed to print or cut out things to put in these spaces. We got most of our images online for the Foods and TV/Movies. Since we don't have pets (even though Lily wanted to put our cats on there) we decided to put Poquita, Chico, and Cooper, the pets of her grandparents. After we compiled everything, we were going to color it but Lily fell asleep on the way home from Wal*Mart (where we picked up the photos) I had to wake her up early in the morning to finish the project! She was also allowed to bring in one toy so we spent quite a while looking for her Wall-E toy but didn't end up finding it in time so she decided to bring RoboPanda instead. I think she was most excited about being the helper for the day and she got to pass out the cups for snacktime.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Lily loves the bank
Lily loves going to any bank (mostly because she usually gets a free sucker) but she likes Point Plus most of all. They have this little castle playset that she likes to play with. It's always hard to get her out of there but it's so cute watching her play.

VIDEO: Watch and listen Lily play with the castle HERE

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Vanessa's Birthday
Happy Birthday, Vanessa! For her birthday we all went out to eat at Water Street Grill which was yummy of course (even though we had a pretty crappy waitress) Lily stayed at our house with Michelle and she decided she wanted to dress up and she made Vanessa a birthday card. So cute! Then, we came back to our place and had a little get together where we played Trivial pursuit and SceneIt. It was a fun night with friends