Saturday, July 28, 2007
Mini Family Reunion aka Lily and Savannah play
This weekend a bunch of my family members came to town including Uncle Bob & Savannah, Uncle Ron & Aunt Billie, Aunt Sally & Uncle Jim, Aunt Jackie, Aunt Lynn and her Dad. Lily and Savannah had a ton of fun together running around and playing. Everybody said it was just like when Katie and I used to play when we were little. It was nice seeing all the aunts and uncles too!

VIDEO: Lily and Savannah playing in the kitchen HERE
VIDEO: Lily and Savannah dancing HERE

VIDEO: Lily and Savannah dancing HERE
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Remy's birthday party
Today was Remy's birthday party. Adam only had to work half a day because he had to attend CPR training for work at 6pm so it worked out well since the party was at 3pm. We got there and Lily was ready to party. Lily had fun playing with Tiffany's son Remy, who just turned 1, and a 3 year old boy named Trent. We got to just hang out It is so nice knowing people who have kids for a change. Lily thought it was pretty funny when Remy got to eat his birthday cake, because he got to get all dirty.

VIDEO: Singing Happy Birthday HERE
VIDEO: Lily playing buckethead after party HERE

VIDEO: Lily playing buckethead after party HERE
Monday, July 23, 2007
My Birthday
For my birthday we went out to dinner at Charcoal Grill. It was superfantastic as usual even thought they sang their crazy birthday song to me (which included a line that said "someone here is getting old") Then we gobbled up some Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake. I met a bunch of my friends at Partners where I got to drink all night for free because it was my birthday. I've actually never been there on my birthday before so that was cool. I got pretty drunk between the vodka/lemonades & the 3 shots I did (see parking lot photos below) Adam, Lily and I were staying at my parents house that night because they were going out of town in the morning and we were going to dog I got a phone call from my Mom at 2am wondering where I was. Silly Adam had said that I'd probably only be out until midnight or so. After I got home I managed to eat 1/2 a loaf of bread (except not the crusts because the next morning there were crusts everywhere) Tuesday I was pretty hungover which hasn't happened in a VERY long time. I just basically sat around all day until we went to Remi's birthday party.

Saturday, July 21, 2007
Shaun & Sara's Wedding
The day began with me having lunch with Melissa & Jackson, Rachel & Marty and Gwyn at Perkins which was nice. Then we all (also including my parents and Vanessa) caravaned to the church. What I got to see of the ceremony was nice (Lily was really good for the beginning but then decided she wanted to take like 4 trips to the bathroom which was in the basement) After the wedding, we went home to force Lily to take a short nap. She could have used a longer one because she was a little crabby when we woke her up and at the reception she just wanted to run around and never stop. I had lots of fun dancing and hanging out with my friends. Lily had fun chasing and dancing with a little boy. She's such a flirt!

VIDEO: Lily & Boy Compilation HERE
VIDEO: Lily and Vanessa twirling HERE

VIDEO: Lily and Vanessa twirling HERE
Friday, July 20, 2007
Shaun & Sara Rehearsal / Finding Nemo
Tonight was Shaun & Sara's wedding rehearsal. Adam is an usher so he went to the actual rehearsal and then picked Lily and I up when it was time for the rehearsal dinner at Iverson. The food was really yummy at dinner, especially the chicken! Lily had fun chasing around Shaun's nephew Nathan and blowing ants off the sidewalk! After the dinner everyone else was going downtown, but Adam, Lily and I went to the movie in the park which was "Finding Nemo" We weren't very prepared and it was cold and buggy so we didn't stay too long. They had run out of free popcorn so Lily wanted to go home and make some there.

VIDEO: Lily blowing ants of the sidewalk HERE
VIDEO: Lily & Nathan playing with the water fountain HERE

VIDEO: Lily & Nathan playing with the water fountain HERE
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lily plays Dress Up at Playgroup
At playgroup today, this is what Lily decided to dress up in. She's so funny.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Patty & Lily's Day Out
Today we had the car so after we paid some bills we thought we would have some fun in the sun. First we went to this little park by my house (which Lily now calls "Tiny Park") It has a little playground and some of those bouncy things you ride on. After that I wanted to show her that we have a beach that isn't as far away as Minocqua so we went to Pacewa. One of her swimsuits was in the car so I put that on her and I waded in the water in my shorts. There were a couple kids there so Lily had fun playing them...especially following the little girl around.

Monday, July 16, 2007
Relative Fun at Grandma & Grandpas
We went over to my parents house to visit with them and Uncle Ron, Aunt, Billie, Aunt Jackie and Nicole who were all visiting. Lily had fun spreading all her toys out all over the living room floor and playing. It was nice to see the relatives. When they were all leaving, Lily had fun running around outside.

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Chillin with our friends
Some of our friends actually came over tonight. First we did a bunch of trivia stuff. Then, they decided to play Settlers and Sara came over for that. Vanessa came over after work too. I cooked some mini chicken cordon bleu which they dubbed as "popplers" (if you don't know what that means see HERE Everyone complained that they didn't like them but gobbled them up anyways because hey free food!

Friday, July 13, 2007
Playgroup at KASH Park
Today's playgroup was located at KASH Park. Lily loves going there because it's a really big park and she can run around for hours and play with lots of different kids. I think she thought it was pretty cool being there with her playgroup friends. She had basically just woken up when we got there so she was walking slow and holding telling me she was "being careful" but once she woke up she was running around like a madwomen! For snack time they had brought freeze pops but they they weren't frozen so that didn't work very well.

VIDEO: Lily running across a bridge HERE

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Fun with Lily & Braeden
Becky and family came to visit at my parents house both on Saturday and Sunday. Lily and Braeden had a lot of fun playing together. Lily used to be afraid of sprinklers but since she saw Braeden having so much fun in them she decided to give it a try and she had lots of fun too! It was a nice day out so we all sat out and watched them play.

VIDEO: Sprinkler fun HERE

Saturday, July 07, 2007
Minocqua: Time to go home
Well, it's Saturday and it's time to go home. We actually had to leave at 6am because Adam's mom had to get back home so she could get Otis out of the kennel. We waited to wake up Lily until all the stuff was loaded in the car and we were ready to go.
Overall, this year's vacation was a blast. Lily and I were sick which made it a little harder to have fun. We went to the doctor there on Monday and found out that she had a sinus & eye infections so we had to give her medicine everyday. She liked the pink antibiotics but she would scream if she even saw the eye drops! I had a nasty cold too which was rough on me. We still really had a great time though. I love vacation because we get to see Adam's side of the family which pretty much only happens once a year because most of them live in Indiana and Illinois. Lily had so much fun playing with the kids and I'm sure she'll be asking me everyday to go back to the beach.
Here are pictures I took of the dock on the first day and our last night there.

Overall, this year's vacation was a blast. Lily and I were sick which made it a little harder to have fun. We went to the doctor there on Monday and found out that she had a sinus & eye infections so we had to give her medicine everyday. She liked the pink antibiotics but she would scream if she even saw the eye drops! I had a nasty cold too which was rough on me. We still really had a great time though. I love vacation because we get to see Adam's side of the family which pretty much only happens once a year because most of them live in Indiana and Illinois. Lily had so much fun playing with the kids and I'm sure she'll be asking me everyday to go back to the beach.
Here are pictures I took of the dock on the first day and our last night there.

Friday, July 06, 2007
Minocqua: Fun at the Zoo
We went to Jim Peck's Wildwood Park pretty much right after we woke up to avoid lots of people and the hot sun. Lily really liked the baby and mama goats. She also had a good time chasing around a black baby pig. She was even oinking at him! At some points she was more interested in walking on the rocks then actually looking at the animals. Overall it was a good time.

VIDEO: Lily and the baby pig HERE
VIDEO: Lily walking on the rocks HERE

VIDEO: Lily walking on the rocks HERE
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Minocqua: A Boatload of fun
We went for a boat ride to get some lunch today at Lakeside which is on Lake Tomahawk. It took about an hour to get there but it was worth it. The chicken sandwich I had there was the best I have ever eaten. Adam and his parents all had burgers and they said those were really good too. I like going on the pontoon boat but I sometimes feel seasick when we are bouncing along with the waves which isn't very fun. Lily loves being on the boat and seeing the water, ducks, and other boats (which sometimes have puppies on them which is very exciting)